Breaking Decisions

It's still warm on the island, it feels like early october despite the fact that we are near first Advent. I don't complain, the winter chill and snows can wait a while longer, so that I can pretend that we're living in a bubble here. Untouched by time. It's monday and soon we'll go to eat another lunch. Monday mornings are free, so were just hanging around in the house and fooling around on the internet. Exept for writing this I'm reading, and not just any book. The other night I decided to take a look on a book one heard much about a couple of years ago; Neil Strauss' The Game. And I got stuck, real stuck. At first I was a little ashamed. I had decided not to read it. But then I read those first pages thinking: but this is not a "how to do"-book, it's a document over a fascinating phenomenom in our modern society, and thus I allowed myself to be sucked in. Well, we'll see what my final rewiew of the book will be, when I'm done. I'll be back in a couple of days to tell you what I think. Until then: Goodnight beloved internet! ('cause it's kind of late now, all of a sudden)

Autumn on the island

All of a sudden I realized a lot of time has flown by since we fist arrived here at Visingsö. We have managed to both get better at watercolour painting and get to know each other better. It's really fascinating how people you just met can be so familiar, be steady points in an else seemlingly turbulent world.Not that the life here is turbulent, we eat and sleep, paint and study english, of course with large amounts of tea, chocolate and internal humour involved.

What feels turbulent though, is the inner changes, and also the future tree months in Brighton that we know almost nothing about. It will be clear soon enough, I guess, but that does not make me calmer. Cuestions like: what are we going to do? and why? get disturbingly vague answers.

I've slowly begun taking up photography again, at last. There are a lot of interesting faces and environments here, and perhaps one kind of creativity gives life to another. I would upload some of them, but there are trouble with the network, so you'll all have to be patient.

Autumn on the island is... interesting.
A new expericence.


So, I decided to get serious and change laguage to the one I'm supposed to improve. We'll see if it I have the energy to keep this up. Please bear with me through this, I really need to practice and this is the perfect way.

I arrived at the school on Visingsö at noon today and that is why I'm ranting about practicing and improving. Four months of English and Art studies. I'm really looking forward to it!

Såhär Efteråt

Såhär efteråt så känner jag att det var värt världen att ha åkt till Uppsala i helgen.
Såhär efteråt slås jag av den där känslan gång på gång, som jag slogs av när jag åkte bakpå Saras cykel längsmed Fyrisån genom staden, småtrallandes på Veronica Maggios underbara låt 17 år. Tyvärr kan jag inte beskriva den, känslan alltså, men jag vet att jag vill känna det igen. Jag vill dit igen, göra om det. Men det dröjer, snart bär det av till andra delar av Sverige - och Världen. En vecka kvar.

Jag kom och tänka på Norrköping - det är där bilden är tagen - och jag saknar den staden ibland, den är inte min längre, just nu är jag stadlös, kan man säga. Nyköping har aldrig varit mitt, det var Norrköping, åren där, som såg till att jag växte upp. Nu ska jag snart iväg igen, någon annanstans.

vecka kvar.

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